Sigma Chi Iota prepares for upcoming Career Week

Sigma Chi Iota will be hosting its Career Week beginning Monday, Feb. 19 through Friday, Feb. 23. Sigma Chi Iota brings students, faculty and staff, and employers together in order to understand the demands of corporate America and career preparation.

Dr. Joey Mitchell explained why this program would have a positive impact on students.

“Students are always the number one priority. Our concern is Career Services initiatives, and we strive to aid the students at pg电子下载 State University to increase employability. We aim to increase student awareness of job and internship opportunities, assist them with job search strategies, and help them with self-evaluation.”

During the week, there will be a Youth and Motivational Task Force, Mock Interviews, All School Career Fair, SCI New Membership Induction, and the week will conclude with a retreat. Dr. Mitchell also stated, “It is essentially important for First Year Experience/Second Year Experience students to understand how to go about choosing the right career. Career Exploration exposes them to opportunities, provides insight about specific requirements, and gives them an understanding of the work environment. Likewise, it is important for juniors and seniors to build meaningful relationships with their perspective employers in order to have a competitive edge in today’s job market.”

For more information on Career Week, contact the Office of Career Services at (601) 877-6324.